Monday, May 24, 2010


Hi, my name is Sanghun Byun, but please just call me Danny. I will be a junior in the coming semester, and I am currently an Accounting major in the School of Management. However, I intend to change my major to Marketing in the Fall semester since I realized that Accounting doesn't really suit me well. I was browsing through some classes that I would take over the summer and this class piqued my interest. I have always held great interest in the use of internet and how much impact it has had on our society in the last few years. As the internet continues to grows and social networking is done primarily through the use of internet nowadays, I figured that I would learn a great deal through this class. I really look forward to working with everyone and having fun while learning. (:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I too had to decide this semester between accounting and marketing. I would like to try to do both but it seems like that will be impossible or just extremely annoying. It's such a hard decision and with everyone pushing accounting its so hard not to go through with it.
