Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Human trafficking

On the trip from Binghamton back to New York City, the College Express bus was showing the 2008 movie "Taken." It involves two teenage girls Kim and Amanda who are staying by themselves in a hotel in Paris. They share a cab with a stranger named Peter, who finds out from the girls that they are alone. Little did the girls know that Peter is part of an Albanese gang of human traffickers, who manage to kidnap the girls. I thought it related a lot to the global news narratives.

It's an action-packed movie that will definitely keep you in suspense. If you choose not to watch it, here is a link to a detailed synopsis.


1 comment:

  1. I have also seen this movie. It was eerie that the kidnapping and sexual slavery was happening in France. Human trafficking is a huge issue today and is rampant in developed countries including the United States. Lindsay Lohan has recently teamed up with BBC to film a documentary about human trafficking in India which will hopefully bring about more awareness of this issue.

