Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What is social networking?

Social networking is a way a grouping people together to communicate. Westlake describes Facebook as "reflecting the local 'on ground' life of it's users...Facebook develops technologies that facilitate the spread of information, allowing people to share information online the same way they do in the real world." Westlake brings up a good point in exploring how online social networks, such as Facebook, change they way in which people communicate and relate to each other. Even the "stalk" is now playing a role in social networking. Especially on Facebook, it is very easy to see into other people's business and just by logging on, the newsfeed updates people on such information.
Social networking is most commonly used for people all around different parts of the world or even around America to communicate and connect with a place away from its own. Now, as Westlake describes, social networking is taking a turn as technology is improving. It is changing constantly in ways that were never imagined.

Westlake, E.J. "Friend Me If You Facebook". The Drama Review.52:4, (2008). p. 23. Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Social networking has definitely been changing, but do you believe this is for better, or for worse?

    With FourSquare and with "checking-in" on facebook, users may check in with their locations -- this can potentially lead to real-life stalking and possibly even worse.
