Saturday, June 5, 2010

Historical perspectives on media event

The author argued that media event characterized following 7 elements : disruption of routine, pre-planned, organized outside the media, hegemonic TV love coverage, presented with reverence and ceremony, celebrating reconciliation, electrifying, and integrating large audience. Also, the definition of contests conquests, and coronation added the fundamental types of media events. The author compared with Lisbon earthquake in 1775 and Tsunami in 2004 by supporting several evident that mass communication was developed. What I have interesting about his journal is that when Risbon earthquake was occurred, several newspapers were its catastrophe related with religious interpretation. Otherwise, modern mass media tried to figure out the disaster scientifically.

1 comment:

  1. I like that the author brought up the point of how we look at incidents. The religious aspect explaining the unknown and the scientific nature of why things actually happened.
