Thursday, June 10, 2010

I believe that we communicate virtually because of the idea that it is easy and it helps us to stay in contact with those that we are far away from. I know that for me I originally signed up for facebook and such to keep in touch with people that I went to high school with. Its a nice idea, I think, to be able to put pictures up of things that you have been doing in life, and you are able to chat with people online as a way to "keep in touch". I think that when the virtual networks first started that was the intention, but for some people it has almost become an obsession. People overuse it for communication purposes, and forget to communicate with people verbally, face to face anymore these days.

I believe that we are vulnerable in cyberspace. I think that there is so much information out there, and like I have previously stated not all of the information available out there is accurate. Also there are new things that people are doing to steal from others, and people are able to stalk people and become predators more easily. There is so much out there, and we are all vulnerable to it. It is important for those using the internet, and parents who allow their children to use the internet to monitor the use and help to protect their children from the dangers that are out there.

Virtual communication changes communication in the sense that people are disconnecting themselves from others, and I believe people are beginning to disconnect from the emotions of having relationships with other people. Proper english is not being used, and reading skills are declining as a result of of cyber "slang". I have friends who spell words incorrectly as a result of increased cyber communication or texting and use the words "cuz" for because, "LOL" for laugh out loud, "shud" for should, and etc. I am curious how the social anxiety disorders have been influenced as a result of increased cyber communication. I know that there are changes and alterations in increased miscommunication between people that can result in unnecessary stress.

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